banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Thursday 20 October 2022


 banking service chroniclBALANCE OF RIGHTS AND DUTY  Recently, the Union Law Minister advocated the need to find a balance between the fundamental rights and duties for the country’s progress during Constitution Day Celebration. About Rights and Duties Fundamental to any civilization, rights represent the claims of an individual which are essential to his or her existence and development. ○ This includes the economic, social and cultural rights (ESC rights) recognized by society or State through legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. Similarly, each person carries certain duties towards other individuals, society, nation, or humanity as part of society and its norms. banking service chronicle magazine E.g., based on Rita (natural order or truth), Vedas gave the principles of Dharma (duty) and Karma (action). Rights and Duties in Present India The Constitution of India is the main document, defining rights and duties of people. E.g., Part III of the Indian constitution covers Fundamental Rights and Part IVA covers the Fundamental Duties, i.e., the core duties that every citizen is expected to perform. ○ Some rights are outside Part III as well. E.g., Right to Property (Article 300A) which is a constitutional right and not fundamental. Though both are indispensable, duties have taken backstage in present India in comparison to rights.  E.g., whether it is ‘Right to Life’ or ‘Freedom of Speech and Expression’, both remain in focus quite frequently. But in terms of duties, except few like “corporate social responsibility”, others are talked about little. Benefits of Perceiving Rights and Duties Together Complementing Nature: Each right comes with a corresponding obligation to respect and protect the rights of others.  E.g., if the Media has the right to freedom of speech, it becomes their duty to respect others’ privacy as well. Immunize Individual Liberties: Though Rule of Law is state responsibility, duties ensure that at least the majority of the population is inclined to uphold law without external enforcement banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

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