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Wednesday 23 November 2022

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Sunday 20 November 2022

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Thursday 17 November 2022

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banking service chronicle magazine subscription Published this article 8. Inefficiencies in the targeted public distribution system Along with high amount of pilferage inclusion and exclusion errors the economic cost of operation has also increased more than 100% in last decade while the issue price has remained constant. banking service chronicle The huge amount of financial implication can be observed by following facts (2014) a. Indias food subsidy bill has grown more than 25 times (in nominal terms) during the last two decades banking service chronicle magazine

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 banking service chronicle Share of remittances from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region in Indias inward remittances declined.  Reason for shift o Compositional shift in Indias migration towards advanced economies i.e. in the U.S. U.K. Canada and South Africa dominated by highskilled whitecollar workers. o Migration from India to the GCC countries slowed in the last five years due to economic slowdown. banking service chronicle magazine 30The sluggish oil prices stricter labor laws higher work permit renewal fees and taxes in Gulf countries.Gulf countries that are trying to diversify away from oil revenue are favoring their citizens in employment instead of migrants. For more details on Indian Diaspora kindly refer to Article 5.6.1 in IR Mains 365 2022. IndiaAfrica banking service chronicle magazine subscription 

Wednesday 16 November 2022

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Monday 14 November 2022

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general knowledge refresher magazine subscription Published this article There is no proactive predefined sustainable policy practiced for this residual grain. Student Notes As a policy such residual grain which is of good quality can be released through two channels. i. It could be released in the domestic market under the open market sale scheme (OMSS) ii. Grain can be released in the global markets through exports (depending on the prevailing export policy) Grain of inferior quality or destroyed grain is disposed of as feed generally at a predetermined reserve price general knowledge refresher.

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arihant current affairs magazine Published this article First the FCIs inventory management policy has a countercyclical character. The government should procure grain in times of abundant supplies in the market and release it in times of scarcity.arihant current affairs magazine monthly  However the need to meet the needs of the TPDS and the other food based welfare schemes the government not only withholds stocks during a bad crop year (because it expects offtake to be higher than normal) it also steps up its procurement pushing up prices in an already supplyconstrained market. b. Inefficient Inventory management Even after allocating to the mandated schemes and maintaining reserves an excess of millions of tons of grain remain in the FCI godowns arihant monthly current affairs magazine subscription.

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knowledge questions magazine in english Published this article Besides the quantity purchased exceeds the storing capacity of FCI and leads to excessive damage of procured grains. 3. One tool serving many objectives Using the same instrument to achieve the twin objectives of ensuring remunerative price to farmers and providing the procured food grains to the poor at highly subsidized prices creates conflicts. knowledge quest magazine subscription By implication this entails a huge gap between the purchase price and issue price and consequently a larger subsidy bill. 4. Inefficient Inventory management In the absence of clear targets for the stock level the whole inventory management system of the FCI becomes inefficient and thus costly knowledge quest magazine subscription details.

Friday 11 November 2022

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Thursday 3 November 2022

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Obligation of intermediaries The 2021 Rules require the intermediary to publish rules and regulations privacy policy and user agreement for access or usage of its services.  Expeditious removal of prohibited content The 2021 Rules require intermediaries to acknowledge complaints regarding violation of Rules within 24 hours and dispose of complaints within 15 days.  knowledge quest magazine subscription Appeal mechanism against decisions of grievance officers The 2021 Rules require intermediaries to designate a grievance officer to address complaints regarding violations of the Rules knowledge quest magazine subscription details. 

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Act gives legal validity to electronic contracts and recognition of electronic signatures and makes acts like hacking dataidentity theft defamation child pornography and cyber terrorism a criminal offense. pratiyogita darpan english yearly subscription 2008 amendment introduced Section 66A into Act. Section 66A gave authorities the power to arrest anyone accused of posting content on social media that could be deemed offensive. o In 2015 SC struck down this section of IT Act as it violated Article 19(1)(a) (Shreya Singhal v. Union of India 2013).  Data privacy rules introduced in 2011 pratiyogita darpan english magazine price .

Thursday 27 October 2022

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 drishti current affairs magazine subscription The disruption in the value chain is further aggravated by instinctive hoarding. Further there is the issue of rotting of food grains. At the international level it is estimated that nearly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year gets lost or wasted xv .drishti current affairs magazine buy online 40% of the fruits and vegetables and 30% of cereals that are produced are lost due to inefficient supply chain management and do not reach the consumer markets. Significant levels of food losses occur upstream at harvest and during postharvest handling. A lot of food is lost or wasted during the 7 distribution and consumption stages drishti current affairs magazine english 

Tuesday 25 October 2022

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The National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector(NCEUS) Report 2005 over 394 million workers 87 per cent of the countrys working population are in the unorganised sector.drishti current affairs magazine buy online The Unorganised Workers Social Security Act 2008 passed after the setting up of the NCEUS in 2004 under ArjunSengupta.Act provides for constitution of the National Social Security Advisory Board at the Central level which is to recommend social security schemes health and maternity benefits and pension schemes for unorganised workers drishti current affairs magazine english.

Monday 24 October 2022

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Friday 21 October 2022

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Thursday 20 October 2022


 banking service chroniclBALANCE OF RIGHTS AND DUTY  Recently, the Union Law Minister advocated the need to find a balance between the fundamental rights and duties for the country’s progress during Constitution Day Celebration. About Rights and Duties Fundamental to any civilization, rights represent the claims of an individual which are essential to his or her existence and development. ○ This includes the economic, social and cultural rights (ESC rights) recognized by society or State through legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. Similarly, each person carries certain duties towards other individuals, society, nation, or humanity as part of society and its norms. banking service chronicle magazine E.g., based on Rita (natural order or truth), Vedas gave the principles of Dharma (duty) and Karma (action). Rights and Duties in Present India The Constitution of India is the main document, defining rights and duties of people. E.g., Part III of the Indian constitution covers Fundamental Rights and Part IVA covers the Fundamental Duties, i.e., the core duties that every citizen is expected to perform. ○ Some rights are outside Part III as well. E.g., Right to Property (Article 300A) which is a constitutional right and not fundamental. Though both are indispensable, duties have taken backstage in present India in comparison to rights.  E.g., whether it is ‘Right to Life’ or ‘Freedom of Speech and Expression’, both remain in focus quite frequently. But in terms of duties, except few like “corporate social responsibility”, others are talked about little. Benefits of Perceiving Rights and Duties Together Complementing Nature: Each right comes with a corresponding obligation to respect and protect the rights of others.  E.g., if the Media has the right to freedom of speech, it becomes their duty to respect others’ privacy as well. Immunize Individual Liberties: Though Rule of Law is state responsibility, duties ensure that at least the majority of the population is inclined to uphold law without external enforcement banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

Tuesday 18 October 2022

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griha shobha magazine subscription Taiwan (earlier known as Formosa) is an island situated 100 miles from the coast of south east China separated by the Taiwan Strait.Taiwan first came under full Chinese control in the 17th Century when the Qing dynasty began administering it. Then in 1895 they gave up the island to Japan after losing the first Sino Japanese war griha shobha magazine in hindi.

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griha shobha magazine subscription India began to formulate its own plans for regional connectivity in the Himalayas in 2013. The Indian Government proposed several strategic rail projects including fourteen railway lines connecting its borders to foster growth in outlying regions. o For instance the Himalayan Rail Express aims to connect Indias northern territory of Leh in Jammu and Kashmir to the eastern territory of Hawai in Arunachal Pradesh. Limitation for India griha shobha magazine in hind

Wednesday 12 October 2022

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Monday 10 October 2022

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