banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Banking & You

Banking & You

Banking & You Published this article page no  38 The good news is that you can-just like Chloe-be prepared! Self defense is certainly part of the answer. Is it unreasonable to carry some kind of a defensive device-stun gun, mace pepper spray, whistle, or other personal alarm? Not when your life is potentially at risk. You can be prepared and survive. There she was after leaving Bill Buchanans house, sitting in the bar area of a hotel, having successfully eluded the police during curfew in LA, when out of nowhere it happened! A semi drunk patron who had been sitting at the bar approached her not once but twice and just wouldnt leave her alone. Rather than be pestered to death she invited the jerk to sit down and to see what she was doing. She was in the process of using all kinds of high tech stuff to help Jack Bauer, the super savvy, super agent save the world banking and you magazine buy. 

Banking & You