banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Thursday 16 February 2023

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher 

General knowledge refresher published this article page no 26 those who study security therefore generally say that only those things that threaten core values should be regarded as being of interest in discussions of security. whose core values though the core values of the country as a whole the core values of ordinary women and men in the street do governments on behalf of citizens always have the same notion of core values as the ordinary citizen furthermore when we speak of threats to core values how intense should the threats be surely there are big and small threats to virtually every value we hold dear. can all those threats be brought into the understanding of security every time another country does something or fails to do something this may damage the core values of ones country. every time a person is robbed in the streets the security of ordinary people as they live their daily lives is harmed. yet we would be paralysed if we took such an extensive view of security general knowledge refresher magazine subscription

General knowledge refresher 

Wednesday 4 January 2023

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine This article was published in September SITTANAVASALASI has recently undertaken conservation measures at Sittanavasal.Sittanavasal or Chithannavasal is a Jain heritage site in Tamil Nadu.It is a hillock housing o A second century Rock cave temple of Arivar Kovil (temple of Arihats i.e. Jain Monks who conquered their senses) with Mahavir statue meditation hall and Pandya paintings.It uses fresco-secco technique- a process that dispenses with preparation of the wall with wet plaster). o 17 polished rock beds- collectively known as Ezhadipattam o Burial pots known as Muthumakkal Thazhi to bury the Jain monks after death bright group of publications junior science refresher.

Junior science refresher magazine

Wednesday 23 November 2022

banking exams


banking service chronicle Ex officio members Secretary in charge of DFS Department of Public Enterprises Chairperson of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) Deputy Governor of RBI. o 3 persons with subject matter knowledge relating to PSBs and FIs and 3 persons with subject matter knowledge relating to PSIs (to be nominated by the Central Government) as part time members. banking service chronicle magazine Significance of FSIB  Reduction in time taken for appointments Due to improvement in processes for scrutiny and leveraging on technology there will be a significant reduction in time taken for appointments in PSBs FIs and PSIs banking service chronicle magazine subscription

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banking service chronicle To build a databank containing data related to the performance of PSBs FIs and PSIs. o To advise the Government on formulation and enforcement of a code of conduct and ethics for wholetime directors in PSBs FIs and PSIs. o To help PSBs Fls and PSIs in terms of developing business strategies and capital raising plan etc.banking service chronicle magazine   Composition of FSIB o Chairperson of FSIB to be nominated by the Central Government.a retired official from the banking sector or a regulatory institution ora business person of repute with sufficient knowledge of the financial sector ora person with at least 25 years of experience in public administration with experience in banking and the financial sector banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

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meri saheli magazine subscription It was recommended by P.J. Nayak committee set up to prescribe ways to resolve the issues plaguing Indias public banking sector.  It was established with a view to improve the Governance of Public Sector Banks (PSBs) by recommending for selection of heads of PSBs and help Banks in developing strategies and capital raising plans.meri saheli magazine yearly subscription   BBB was a part of the 7point strategy of the Indradhanush Mission aimed at revamping PSBs. 45 o To advise the Government on the desired management structure at the Board level for PSBs FIs and PSIs meri saheli magazine price

Sunday 20 November 2022

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shine india monthly magazine subscription INFLATION TARGETING Why in News? If average headline consumer price inflation (CPI) in India stays above 6% in this quarter as well for the first time RBI will have to explain why the  shine india monthly magazine Inflation Target was not maintained. 39 About Inflation Targeting Framework Price stability is a necessary precondition for macroeconomic and financial stability. Thus price stability remains the dominant objective of the monetary policy. shine india monthly magazine telugu

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competition refresher magazine subscription Creating an Integrated Payment Regulatory Ecosystem to ensure smooth transition centered on a safe fast and cost efficient payment system.  Broadening and deepening of the financial system through increased financial literacy and financial inclusion promoting habit of saving money competition refresher magazine  formal credit avenues integration of underprivileged sections in economy and Plugging gapsleaks in subsidieswelfare programs.  Create Enabling Infrastructure such as high speed internet and telecommunication networks in rural areas for wider reach of appropriate technology to the general public.  Ensure stateguaranteed means of payment to maintain competition and system efficiency. competition refresher magazine pdf